تامر حسني sweet melody كلمات أغنية

الكاتب: سهر نصر الدين -
 أغنية sweet melody تامر حسني


كلمات أغنية sweet melody تامر حسني



She is the type of girls that make you happy like the drama

When you look at her eyes take your breath away
She is the type that makes you spend all you got
You sell your soul to be around a knight of her
يا سلام
صعب اكون بحلم
عيني خايفة تنام
لا يفوتني احلي كلام
في اللحظة دي
فرحته الليله دي
وانت هنا جنبي
قوللي ليه مخبي
احساسنا بان
She is a symphony in the way she moves
A harmony that makes you grove
Gotta love that kills like die ie ie
Feeling I can't deny
She is a symphony in the way she moves
A harmony that makes you grove
Gotta love that kills like die ie ie
Feeling I can't deny
Looking in her eyes see the world as a slow motion
So girl you were brought from the middle of the ocean
Sweet melody you'll never ever forget
A risk you have to take you'll never ever regret
She can make you fly
She can get you high
She can make you smile
Sensing makes you cry
يا سلام
صعب اكون بحلم
عيني خايفة تنام
لا يفوتني احلي كلام
في اللحظة دي
فرحته الليله دي
وانت هنا جنبي
قوللي ليه مخبي
احساسنا بان

كلمات وألحان أغنية sweet melody 



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