
ما هي الهواتف التي تدعم الواقع الإفتراضي؟

الكاتب: يزن النابلسي -

ما هي الهواتف التي تدعم الواقع الإفتراضي؟


 بعض الهواتف التي تدعم خاصيه الواقع الافتراضي - virtual reality : 
Samsung Galaxy S10 5G | 1440 x 3040 | Exynos 9820, 8GB RAM | Gear VR and Cardboard
Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus | 1440 x 3040 | Exynos 9820, 8GB or 12GB RAM | Gear VR and Cardboard
Samsung Galaxy S10 | 1440 x 3040 | Exynos 9820, 8GB RAM | Gear VR and Cardboard
Samsung Galaxy S10e | 1080 x 2280 | Exynos 9820, 6GB or 8GB RAM | Gear VR and Cardboard
Samsung Galaxy Note 9 | 1440 x 2960 | Exynos 9810, 6GB RAM | Gear VR and Cardboard
Samsung Galaxy S9 | 1440 x 2960 | Exynos 9810, 4GB RAM | Gear VR, Daydream and Cardboard
Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus | 1440 x 2960 | Exynos 9810, 6GB RAM | Gear VR, Daydream and Cardboard
Samsung Galaxy S8 | 1440 x 2960 | Exynos 8895, 4GB RAM | Gear VR, Daydream and Cardboard
Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus | 1440 x 2960 | Exynos 8895, 4GB RAM | Gear VR, Daydream and Cardboard
Samsung Galaxy Note 8 | 1440 x 2960 | Exynos 8895, 6GB RAM | Gear VR, Daydream and Cardboard
Google Pixel 3 | 1080 x 2160 | Snapdragon 845, 4GB RAM | Daydream and Cardboard
Google Pixel 3 XL | 1440 x 2960 | Snapdragon 845, 4GB RAM | Daydream and Cardboard
Google Pixel 2 | 1080 x 1920 | Snapdragon 835, 4GB RAM | Daydream and Cardboard
Google Pixel 2 XL | 1440 x 2880 | Snapdragon 835, 4GB RAM | Daydream and Cardboard
LG V30 | 1440 x 2880 | Snapdragon 835, 4GB RAM | Daydream and Cardboard
Moto Z2 Force | 1440 x 2560 | Snapdragon 835, 6GB RAM | Daydream and Cardboard 
شارك المقالة:
35 مشاهدة
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